Sea Master e la produzione autonoma di ghiaccio.

In the world of fishing and fish processing, product quality and freshness are paramount. Sea Master, a leading company in the marketing and processing of tuna and swordfish, has been undertaking autonomous ice production for years to ensure these standards. This is a practice that not only ensures a consistent cold chain, but also represents […]
Tuna and swordfish fillet: a commodity with an excellent conversion on purchase

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet elit,sed do eiusm por incididut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad occaecat cupidatat non proiden
Sea Master and the world protein consumption

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet elit,sed do eiusm por incididut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad occaecat cupidatat non proiden