The bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna are two of the main products marketed by Sea Master. Although they may seem similar, they have significant differences in terms of distribution, fishing methods, and, most importantly, in the quality of their meat and their market price.

The bluefin tuna is regarded as the undisputed king of our seas. Fished since ancient times, it lives in large schools and is a native species of the Mediterranean Sea, capable of reaching up to 500 kg in weight and 3 metres in length.

The yellowfin tuna, on the other hand, is a smaller species that swims in large schools across all oceans, following nutrient-rich warm currents.

There is a well-defined market for both products. The yellowfin tuna is primarily sold through the Large Retail Organisation (GDO), due to its market positioning and year-round availability. The bluefin tuna, however, finds its reference market in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector, where its higher price makes it more suitable. It is mainly sold fresh, either whole or in fillets.

From a qualitative perspective, the bluefin tuna is considered a premium product, thanks to its meat rich in healthy fats, making it ideal for fresh preparations like sushi or other raw dishes. The yellowfin tuna, on the other hand, is mainly marketed through the GDO as a de-frosted fresh product in fillets. Its meat, with a lower fat content compared to bluefin tuna, is highly appreciated for its versatility, making it suitable for a wide range of dishes, both cooked and raw.

Sea Master employs advanced processing and preservation techniques for yellowfin tuna, such as vacuum packaging and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), which help preserve the organoleptic qualities of the product and extend its shelf life, making it ideal for large-scale distribution through the GDO.

Sea Master is able to meet the needs of both the Ho.Re.Ca. sector and the Large Retail Organisation, offering a range of products that are constantly tailored to the specific needs and demands of its different customer segments.

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