Be uptodated on our products and ventures


Bluefin Tuna and Yellowfin Tuna: Differences in Quality, Processing, and Global Markets according to Sea Master

Sea Master collaborates with Carloforte Tonnare

Sea Master e la produzione autonoma di ghiaccio.

Sea master Packaging Sostenibile

Our commitment to sustainable packaging

Nuove linee di produzione di Sea Master: Senaka e DeTuna

New product lines: Senaka and DeTuna

Yellowfin Tuna Slice Defrosted


We stretch the boundaries to determine the uniqueness of our supply.

Thanks to authoritative sources, our team supervises international fishing activities in order to pick the best quality raw materials.

We ensure products from certified fishing, blast-chilled and guaranteed with fully traceability.



Within certified laboratories, Sea Master conducts both defrost and catch production.

We are proud to offer vacuum-packed products with MOCAs (Materials and Objects in Contact with Food that comply with Italian and European regulations) and authorised additives (EU Regulation 1333/2008 ).

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